Mar 8, 20181 min

Program of Economic Reactivation for the Benefit of the People, 1980 (Bi- lingual English/Spanish)

Program of Economic Reactivation for

the Benefit of the People, 1980 (Bi-

lingual English/Spanish)

By Ministry of Planning Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua (Author),? Paul Richards, Ph.D., and 200 others

The 1980 Nicaraguan Program of Economic Reactivation for the Benefit of the People is an historic document from the Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution that offers a detailed in-depth statistical study, which addresses economic inequality that today has spun out of control around the world. It analyses the economic realities of Nicaragua in 1980, including the legacy of Somoza’s dictatorship, along with a plan to rebuild the economy. This book captures a defining moment in Nicaraguan history when inequality was overthrown and a new vision of economic life seemed possible.

The Program is not the work of one person. Nor solely of a political party for partisan purposes. It was the work of 200 people commissioned by the revolutionary Government of National Reconstruction to create a plan for the post-Somoza world. Bilingual English/Spanish.

Set in the 1970s and 80s, the novel portrays a rich cast of characters, who move between San Francisco’s arts-activist community and Nicaragua, building support for change in the shadow of the U.S. undeclared wars in Central America.



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